0. Love lived loud overview…
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your souls and with all your mind. This is the first and the greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments.
Matthew 22: 37-40
When the disciples were choosing a new disciple to replace Judas Iscariot they cast lots – a worldly practice used to determine God’s will. In a similar vein, I used a Facebook game to discover the word God had for me for this next edition of Pausing with God and “love” came up.
So “love” is the theme for this series. Together we’ll explore God’s love for us and how his love can uphold, strengthen, comfort, embolden, and give us the courage to live his will each day. I began to write this series of Pausing with God a few months after the death of my dad, I was confused and felt in need of love in abundant amounts having lost one of the people I loved the most.
This word love is about how I relate to my God, myself, and my neighbour. As we explore each occurrence of love in The Bible, journey with me. Discover how God’s infinite and unconditional love for us will in turn grow love in our hearts and enable us to love in abundance. With each post there will be prayers to pray and actions for you to consider and take into your day.
May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you
Psalm 33:22