0. The Journey overview

I am on a journey. I can’t recall exactly when it started, and I don’t know where or when it will end.
Sometime around August 2020, in the middle of the worldwide Corona Virus pandemic my voice became quite hoarse, and I had a sore throat. Nothing unusual in that – I get these symptoms reasonably often and just sucked on some lozenges and waited for it to get better. After a while, my husband suggested I needed to see the doctor when it appeared to be getting worse, which I did. He said it was probably a virus and would get better in a week or so. Three weeks later I revisited him and was referred to an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist – the journey began. I now know what caused the problem and what actions would be needed, but I jump ahead as the next 6 months or so were part of the journey as well.
This Pausing with God will differ from others in that it is my personal journey with God and so I must begin by looking back to where I have come from and what I have experienced – the highs and the lows. The times I have had to sit in God’s waiting room for appointments, tests, results, and the times I have cried out why me?
I invite you to walk with me on this journey and take from it what you need. You may be on a tough journey yourself or be alongside someone close to you who is journeying.
As always, I will share scriptures and encourage you to look them up and read either side of the verses for context, to pray before you read asking God to reveal what he has to say to you and spend time in quiet solitude afterwards waiting on him to speak before journalling your thoughts.
Join me…