1. Burning bushes…
There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within the bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight”
Exodus 3:3
They say that curiosity killed the cat but here it produces a life changing experience for Moses. His curiosity took him off his regular path and completely turned his destiny around. Because he was curious he deviated. He knew something was going on and he wanted to know what it was. He was ready and he was in the right place for God to call his name and he responded.
Are we curious? Do we watch for God’s call on our lives or are we so tied up in guarding our sheep, living the everyday life that God moments like these pass us by?
Shortly before dawn he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass them by, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified.
Mark 6:48-50
The disciples saw Jesus and cried out and Jesus deviated from his path to save them. You know the story, he calmed the winds and the sea and restored peace thus saving them from certain death. They were ready, in the right place for Jesus to come.
Are we watching out for Jesus in every situation or are we so caught up in our own life dramas that we fail to see him and call out to him as he is about to pass us by?
Have you ever watched one of those old movies where someone is just going about their business, walking down the street when suddenly off to the side a festival catches their eye and suddenly they are drawn away from the ordinary and into the dance that is going on as part of the festival. All thought of the ordinary and routine is gone as they join in with the festivities. This is what it is like when we allow ourselves to be drawn aside by God into his amazing and awesome presence. This is what it is like to join in his dance….
Prayer: Lord, Help me not to get so tangled up in my daily routine that I miss the opportunities to turn aside, to call out and come into your presence and join in the dance. Give me spiritual eyes and ears to hear and see your call to me and then help me to turn aside, to call out and to draw near…
Action: Today heighten your awareness of what God is doing at the edges of your life, in your peripheral vision and be prepared to respond to the opportunities God is putting there for you to join in his dance.
Journal your thoughts…