12. Thirsty…
As the deer pants for streams of living water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
Psalm 42:1-2
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled.
Matthew 5:6
A few years ago, my son met a young lady who was visiting her parents in Australia but lived overseas. He knew her for just one week before she headed back to the United Kingdom but the impact she had on him was sufficient for him to sell his car and pretty much everything else he owned and buy a ticket to follow her home. He pursued her, he thirsted for her and was willing to move halfway around the world to be with her.
My son sold everything for a ticket to love (which led to a wedding and two beautiful children). How much are we prepared to give up, to sell for the love of our God? Is my desire for him as great as the thirsty deer’s in the midday sun? Am I motivated to give up everything in my pursuit of God?
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
Matthew 13:45-46
I have been to Broome in Western Australia, which has a long tradition of pearl farming, and seen some exquisite pearls worth tens of thousands of dollars. Whilst there I visited one of the pearl farms and learnt the difference between an ordinary pearl, a good pearl, and a “pearl of great price”. My husband bought me a beautiful “good” pearl which cost quite a bit but didn’t require us to sell our home to procure it.
It takes a lot to sell everything to buy what is best. It takes saying no to the world and all that it has to offer in terms of temporal, consumer products. Mostly these things are not bad, but they are not the best. What am I prepared to give up? Will I take the risk and trade in the good so I can have the best God has to offer me?
Take a moment to think of the life you are living. Think about your work, your family, your church community, your local community. How are you serving God in each of these aspects of your life? Have you intentionally sought out what God desires for you/ Could there be more that you can pursue, could there be a “pearl of great price” waiting for you? Are you thirsting after God?
God is saying to us:
You can dance in the chorus line all your life and it will be good. You will achieve much but I want you for a lead role in my dance. You will need to give up much but what you will gain makes it all worthwhile. Go for the “pearl of great price”, go for the best. Dance with me.
Prayer: Lord, I get so caught up in the daily grind that, even though I serve you where I am, I don’t look for what could be different. I don’t thirst after you. I don’t pursue the “pearl of great price”. I rededicate myself, today, to the search, the pursuit of the best. Like the deer I pant for the stream of living water only you can offer me.
Action: Today, come before God humbly and openly. Thirst after the living water only he can offer and the “pearl of great price” he holds for you and be prepared for what you will need to let go of to attain the best. Decide to move out of the chorus line and into the lead.
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