17. Sacrificial…

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3: 16-17
We know what true love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.
1 John 3:18
I am writing these notes on a Good Friday and so my reflections have returned today to God’s amazing love for us. A love that compelled God to send his son, Jesus, to our world as a man. To live for thirty years amongst us showing us the mighty power and awesome love that God has for us. In God’s name, but as a man, he healed, he saved, he empowered, he taught. And then, finally, he died a painful and ignominious death on the cross even though he was the only one who was truly innocent of sin and worthy to live.
As I sit here, on a balcony overlooking a beautiful estuary in our South West (taking a short break) I am stuck for superlatives to describe this love that has done all that for you and I.
This is how much we mean to God – we are his children, every single one of us. If you are reading this as a believer then you know you are his child and he loves you absolutely, completely, unconditionally, and eternally.
If you are reading this and you are not a believer, you have not yet decided to invite Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour. Then let me assure you right now, just as you are, God loves you absolutely, completely, unconditionally, and eternally. His greatest desire is that you choose him, walk your life with him, fulfil his every desire for your life.
God’s loving desire is that every one of his created children will have the life he intended in a deep, abiding, and intimate relationship. Jesus came not to condemn, but to save.
And if Jesus came and gave his life for us so we ought to be like him and be prepared to give of ourselves sacrificially for those around us. Rarely, today, are we called on to die for another as Jesus did but, each day, we can sacrificially give of ourselves to help others when we would rather do our own thing. Take time to visit a sick friend, buy a coffee for a homeless person, cook a meal, write an email of encouragement. There are so many ways we can give to others.
Prayer: Lord, I stand in awe of this great love that impelled you to give your greatest possession, your only son, Jesus. I pray that today your sacrificial love will flow through me to others as I deny myself for another through whatever means I can.
Action: Spend a few minutes with God before you get up from reading this. Ask him to put someone on your heart today that you can show sacrificial love to through some small (or maybe even large!) deed.
Journal your thoughts…