24. Love forgives…
Her many sins have been forgiven – as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.
Luke 7:36-50
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9
We are all familiar with the story in Luke chapter 7 of the prostitute who washes Jesus’ feet with her tears and dries them with her hair. She then pours perfume over them in an act of love and confession demonstrating, as Jesus says, her great love. On the other hand, in these verses, Simon, Jesus’ host, is indignant at her behaviour and challenges Jesus’ acceptance of this woman and her offering of tears and perfume. Jesus’ response to Simon is to challenge the level of his love for Jesus in comparison to the woman’s.
Jesus links forgiveness to our level of love. If my first thought was that maybe I need to sin more so I can be forgiven more and thus love God more I would be missing the point. Jesus is talking about the sense of gratitude that comes when we have been forgiven big time that builds our love for God.
Okay, let’s look at forgiveness and what it does to us. You have done something to hurt someone you love. If it was something small – you forgot to meet them for coffee – then when you ask their forgiveness, and it is given, it doesn’t make much difference to your level of love for that person. You still love them but there is no surge on the love thermometer.
Now consider a different scenario. You have been instrumental is spreading a rumour about the state of your friend’s marriage and the rumour has gathered momentum to the point that your friend is hurting deeply and it has affected their relationship with many people. Now you go to your friend with flowers, a card, humbly seeking their forgiveness for this monstrous thing you have initiated that has so affected your friend. When their forgiveness comes, it is like a shower of fresh, cooling rain on your spirit and your heart surges within you. Your love level goes sky high on the love thermometer. Whoever has been forgiven much will love much.
When we come to God with a contrite heart (Psalm 51:17, Isaiah 66:2) he willingly forgives us our sins both great and small. And the greater the sin for which we have received forgiveness, the greater the gratitude, and the greater the love.
Prayer: Help me not to sit in judgement on those who have sinned greatly but to rejoice in the forgiveness you offer them and the love that will grow within them as a result. My desire is to love you as one who has been forgiven so very much over the years, to love you deeply and extravagantly with a contrite heart.
Action: Today set aside time to walk or sit with God. Allow him to search you (Psalm 139) and show you where you need to seek forgiveness. Then offer him your tears of contrition as you sit at his feet and receive the forgiveness he gives. Let you love soar through your thankfulness.
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