29. Sincere…

volunteers wearing face masks giving food
Photo by Julia M Cameron on Pexels.com

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love.

Romans 12:9-10

Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.

1 Peter 1:22

Have you ever signed off a letter with the words: Yours sincerely? Have you considered what that means?

The word sincere has become, like many words, watered down in its meaning because of its overuse. The Oxford Dictionary defines sincere this way:

Free from pretence or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings; say what one genuinely believes or feels; not dishonest or hypocritical.

When both Peter and Paul talk about love being sincere this is no light and fluffy request. They are both urging their readers to be honest, genuine, deep in their love for each other. There can be no duplicity in our love for others:

  • Love that loves for what they can get out of the relationship is not sincere.
  • Love that says: I will love you if you do this for me, is not sincere.
  • Love that limits another’s ability to be who they really are is not sincere
  • Love that isn’t given 100% is not sincere

Jesus loved us so much he died for us. God loved us so much he gave his son for us. This is true and sincere love. Mother Teresa’s love for the terminally ill in India led to her life’s work helping them to die with dignity. My friends’ love for two little girls in an Indian orphanage led them to spending the next two years going through the process of adopting them into their family.

Make no mistake, sincere love costs. It costs us our time and money.

  • Sincere love can’t be timetabled.
  • Sincere love is what motivates us to go beyond, walk the extra mile with someone, step out of our comfort zone.
  • Sincere love requires devotion to others that may require us to give up on our own agendas.
  • Sincere love will make time to prepare a meal, visit, send a card to a sick friend in spite of our busy schedule.
  • Sincere love for those who need help will say yes despite having to change our plans.

In the words of the apostle, Paul, love that is sincere doesn’t fail – it protects, trusts, is patient and kind (1 Corinthians 13 – we’ll look at this love chapter a bit later on)

Prayer: Help us to live our lives with sincere love demonstrated by our selfless and inconvenient actions that go out of the way to be there for others.


Action: Today consider how you will demonstrate sincere love. Will you be prepared to step out of your routine, go the extra mile, be inconvenienced for the sake of your love for others. Then go into your day ready to demonstrate your sincere love.

Journal your thoughts…

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