30 Knowledge and love…
We know that we all possess knowledge. But knowledge puffs up while love builds up. Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know. But whoever loves God is known by God.
1 Corinthians 8:1-3 (Read the whole chapter for a better context)
These verses are written by Paul to the church at Corinth in response to what he has heard about eating food sacrificed to idols. The believers were eating this food, which was absolutely okay by God, but new Christians in the church who had come from a background where this was not permissible were offended because they hadn’t yet fully understood the freedom that is in Jesus Christ and their release from the bondages of their old beliefs. Paul tells the older believers that they will become a stumbling block to these new Christians by behaving in this way.
He compares the knowledge they have of what they can and can’t do with love pointing out that having knowledge will puff up if it is exercised without love that builds up. To act on knowledge without love is to act foolishly and produce actions that are not helpful especially to those who are new to their faith.
God’s desire is always that we love first – build up those young Christians amongst us – and allow our love to direct our knowledge. Eating food that has been sacrificed to idols is probably not high on the list of “offensive” behaviour we may find ourselves doing because we know we have the freedom to do it but there are many other behaviours (or abstinences from behaviours) that can be a stumbling block to young Christians: Putting your Bible on the floor in the presence of Muslim Christian; displaying a six pointed star at Christmas time (I did this once when decorating our church and a couple of new Christians who had been part of witchcraft were upset by it); eating pork in front of new Jewish Christians. The list goes on and we haven’t even begun to talk of the things we refuse to do, causing offence, because God “forbids” them (most of which are the result of man-made rules).
Love, alone, builds up. Love comes first. Our actions, our decisions, made around new believers, young Christians, need to be made in love. We should always check in with God and his word to ensure our “knowledge” about something will lead to appropriate action.
Prayer: Lord, My desire is to encourage, build up young and new believers in love. I confess that I have been guilty of acting unthinkingly and offensively at times. Help me to always consider my actions in the light of love that builds. May the knowledge I have not puff me up but spur me to love action.
Action: Today check your actions that come from the knowledge you have. Could they cause offence and harm to others less knowledgeable than yourself? Love first, act second and see what happens.
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