6. Awesome fear…

The Lord is exalted, for he dwells on high; he will fill Zion with his justice and righteousness. He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.
Isaiah 33:5-6
Fear God, and give him glory, because the hour of his judgement has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the springs of water.
Revelation 14:7
As I previously said I have never had a dancing lesson in my life (not counting at school in preparation for the annual Ball). But if I decided that I wanted to become the next world champion I would need to get the best teacher. One who has a passion for the dance; who knows their stuff; who can impart wisdom; who encourages; supports. Who is a friend and confidante but, first, is someone to be held in awe, feared to the extent that I would always want to please them, to do the right thing, practise, have another go, never give up.
If God were a dance teacher, I would pick him…
The Bible tells us to fear God. This is not the fear of an abusive husband or an over-bearing boss. It is not paralysing, distancing, disempowering fear. Rather this is a healthy fear of the one who created us, who made the heavens and the earth. This is awe, “a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear and wonder”, (Oxford dictionary) of the one who has the power over life and death and yet knows how many hairs are on your head and cares for the smallest sparrow (Matthew 10:29-30).
Just as we fear, hold in awe, the dance master when we approach them to be our teacher, so we fear our God knowing we don’t deserve to have him as our Lord yet compelled to approach him and sit at his feet to learn from him. The fear of God is not a fear that drives us away but one that draws us closer to him and compels us to dance with him in whatever dance he has ordained for us. It is inextricably linked to our faith in him which is born out of this healthy fear that knows God can do anything and we can put our trust, our belief, our faith in him.
Take a look at Noah:
By faith Noah, when warned about things not seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith.
Hebrews 1:7
There was no water nearby, no rain had, as yet, fallen on the earth. But Noah built a massive boat in obedience to God. Why did he do this? Because he feared God, revered him, held him in awe enough to believe that he was master of the earth and that he could trust him not to lead him astray. Noah was prepared to step out in his fear and obey God, step into the dance that God was calling him to.
So, what is your dance? What is it that God is calling you to that will require you to, in the midst of your awe and fear of him, step into his arms and allow him to take you where you haven’t been before? He may not be telling you to build a boat, but you can be assured he has a plan for your life and wants you to join him in dancing it.
Prayer: Lord, you are the master teacher whom we both fear and trust to teach us how to live this life you have given us. Grow our desire to step into the dance with you, to learn the dance from you, and to strive towards the perfect 6.
Action: Today, make the decision to put your faith in the great Master to teach you the steps you need to live the great dance he has called you to. In awe and trembling, do it afraid, begin the dance.
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