9. Victory
It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was by your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, for you loved them.
Psalm 44:3
I love to win. There is a special feeling when victory comes – whether it be in a game, at work, or in my own personal goals – winning is great. But the Psalmist puts winning into perspective in this verse from Psalm 44.
Winning the important things in life is not something we can do alone. The psalm refers to the times when the Israelite people were in the business of winning their promised land, of having victory over their enemies. It wasn’t by their own strength and might but by God that they took the land because God loved them.
How often have you struggled to overcome circumstances, take back your land? A broken relationship; a lost job; a debilitating illness… Our daily lives are full of little (and bigger) battles that we must fight and win if we are to live the fulfilled and purposeful lives God has planned for us.
In my recent battle against laryngeal cancer, it wasn’t only me, the surgeon, the nurses, my friends, and family that did battle. God was there, answering my prayers and those of the army of people gathered around me. He was there to deliver me and give me the victory. I didn’t need to depend on my own or other’s strength and might because I had God with me every step of the way. He gave me peace and hope. He worked with my surgeon and the hospital team. He was there because he loves me.
The remainder of this Psalm (read it if you have the time) is a cry for help to God in the battle:
Rescue us because of your unfailing love
Psalm 44:26
The people have been crushed, they face death every day, and they know that it is by God’s great love for them that the victory is won.
Whatever battle you or I face today we can cry out to God for victory because we have the testimony of his Word that he loves us and that his love, his right hand, his arm, and the light of his face will bring that victory. Sometimes that victory is instant, and the battle is won miraculously. At other times, there will be a journey into the victory.
But be assured, of this one thing we can be certain. When all else seems to be failing around us, when we don’t know how we will get victory in our circumstances, that is the time we can go to our great and almighty God of love, and he will give us the victory.
Prayer: Lord, there are days when I just don’t want to get out of bed. Days when the battles I am fighting are just too big. Lord, I believe that you can bring the victory in every one of these battles but still I try to win them on my own. Help me to rest in the sure knowledge that your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face will bring the victory because you love me.
Action: Today, if there is a battle in your life that seems like a mountain that can’t be conquered, cry out to God for victory. Trust in his right hand, his arm, the light of his face and above all the love he has for you that can conquer all.
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