13. Compassionate…

Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning.
Lamentations 3:22
I often find myself being moved to compassion for friends who are suffering illness or are struggling in their lives. I have been moved to tears at the plight of the homeless as I pass them in the city; at the incomprehensible suicide of a ten-year-old girl in a remote community. Yet have I acted on my feelings? How many times have I ranted about how people could get themselves into such difficult situations – I have been unkind, uncompassionate, unmerciful… It seems that my compassion can be short lived, temporary, and shallow.
God, on the other hand, has compassion that is renewed every day. His compassion saves us from being consumed in our guilt. His compassion is kind and merciful. God doesn’t have off days; he doesn’t rant and rave. No words of ill-will come from his mouth. Why? It is because of the love he has for us – enduring love, unfailing love.
Just the thought of such a great love moves me to tears, my heart beats faster, I am overwhelmed and undone to know that I am loved absolutely and completely by my God. All earthly, human love pales in significance when we consider the one who was, and is, and always will be love – pure, unconditional, absolute, magnificent love.
And from that love comes his compassion. God suffers when we suffer. He feels the pain when we take the wrong path. He wants to help us through our suffering. Comfort us in our grief. Show us the right path to take.
If we look at the occurrences of the word compassion in the gospels we find Jesus, over and again, being moved to compassion for the crowds who gathered to hear him; for the ill and disabled who came to him for healing; for those who were cast out of society. And each time his compassion spurs him on to action – he teaches the crowds; heals the sick; welcomes the outcasts.
God’s love-induced compassion serves as a model for each of us to be moved to action every time we see suffering, injustice, confusion, helplessness.
Prayer: Lord, I pray that my love for others will today in some small way mirror the amazing love you have for me and express itself in action driven by compassion. Guard my tongue, Lord, when I get on my high horse and rant and rave. Fill my heart with active compassion for those in need.
Action: Today, walk out of your door in the sure knowledge that God’s compassion for you and the love that sits behind it go with you into whatever the day holds. Let that love shine through you and manifest itself in compassion driven action for those you encounter.
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