20. For love…
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.
John 13:34-35
Seems simple enough on the surface but what happens if we begin to unpack the level of the love Jesus is commanding us to have – As I have loved you, so you must love one another?
What does Jesus’ love for us look like?
As a start he was prepared to leave his father’s side in heaven to be born a baby in a stable – he stepped out of his divinity to become a human baby and to live with us – for love.
He gave the final three years of his life to teaching, healing, restoring those around him. He grieved, cried, showed compassion, for the lost – for love.
He died on a cross for all mankind – painful, excruciating, undeserved. All for love. Absolutely.
Just for a moment contemplate what would have happened to mankind if Jesus had said no to God, his father. It wasn’t convenient to go save mankind just now. Or he didn’t see that they were worth the trouble. Or maybe even he didn’t want to die like that, too painful…
But we know that Jesus said yes to God, he would do it suffer the indignity of being born a baby, dirty nappies and all. He would work hard to become a good carpenter like Joseph. He would walk the streets of Nazareth teaching, healing, training up a group of followers. He would undergo the excruciating agony of a crucifixion. All because of his absolute, unconditional love for us.
So, we are called to love as he loves…
Are we prepared to go where God sends us regardless of the inconvenience, the risk? For love.
Do we willingly spend our lives serving others? For love.
Are we moved to tears and compassion by the circumstances of others? By love.
Will we readily lay down our lives for others? For love.
This is true love:
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
1 John 3:16
Prayer: Lord, so often I am moved to compassion, I cry tears for the plight of others but so often I don’t take the love action that you place on my heart. I back away. I am afraid. I am inconvenienced. Lord, give me the courage, the boldness, the desire to step in and make a difference – for love.
Action: How will you demonstrate Christ-like love today?
Journal your thoughts…