23. More than these…

Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Matthew 10:32-39
Being a Christian is a tough gig. It is not for the faint-hearted. We have already talked about Jesus’ call on the young man to sell everything and follow him. Now he goes one step further as he tells his disciples that they must love him more than their own families.
Putting this into context, Jesus is sending his twelve disciples out to preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons. This is no walk in the park, holiday on the Riviera. This is dangerous – he tells them they will meet opposition, they will be totally dependent on the good will of others. They are being sent like sheep to the wolves (Jesus’ words not mine – Matt 10:16). They will be hated and persecuted. Jesus tells his disciples not to be afraid (30-31) and then commands them to love him more than their own wives, kids, parents.
He is sending them off into enemy territory, away from their families. They are leaving behind those who most depend on them for their needs. So why ask so much of them?
Jesus knew that in order to succeed on their mission and to be able to survive out there in the jungle they had to put their families, their jobs, everything out of mind and trust God to take care of who they were leaving behind and to provide for them. They needed to love Jesus to distraction knowing that he was with them every step of the way – behind, beside, and before – whilst they did his work.
By loving Jesus more, they are saying that they understand he will not fail them or their families. Now they will be able to focus completely on their mission and purpose in God. Now they won’t worry, fret, call the wife up on the mobile…
Loving God first is our only choice as we step into his purpose, his work, trusting that he has the back of those we may need to leave behind, those who we love second…
It is never easy to let go, to completely entrust those we love so much into God’s hands. Yet, until we do, we cannot fully fulfil our purpose on this earth.
Prayer: Help me to continually entrust my husband, my children, my parents, all those whom I love into your hands. Help me to let go knowing that you will protect, guide, care for them.
Action: Today consider what it is God is asking of you and if you can honestly say you love Jesus more than your own family. Then take a conscious step into his purpose, letting go of those that you hold more dear than Jesus. Hand them all over to God who loves them more than you ever can.
Journal your thoughts…