27. Poured out…

woman wearing white top

Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

Romans 5:5

You know that feeling you get when you step outside into a gloriously sunny day? The warmth of the sun just seems to pour into you. You stand for a moment basking in that warmth and light just soaking it all up. You breathe more easily, there is a new spring in your step. You turn your face upwards and absorb the lifegiving rays. Quoting the words of the Toyota advertisements, “Oh, what a feeling”, you jump into the air, exhilarated, refreshed, renewed…

The verses that precede verse 5 above, talk about perseverance, suffering, character building – tough stuff – and then, like the sun bursting through the clouds, there is hope and love poured into our hearts. It is that moment when you stop pause, turn your face upwards to God, the giver of love and life.

Look upward and open your heart to let God’s Holy Spirit pour out his love into your very essence, your inner being. Feel his love flowing through your heart, into your arteries, your capillaries. Filling you from head to toe with light and warmth. Stand and bask in that amazing and absolutely free love:

Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come buy and eat.

Isaiah 55:1-2

And, as you stand there being filled to overflowing with such glorious love, allow hope to rise inside of you. Let your faith grow stronger. Rest in his amazing grace. Then take a little (or big) leap into the air and declare: Oh! What a feeling!

Prayer: Be with each of us today as we step into our worlds to face the battles, pour you love into us as we turn our faces to you. Help us to shine your reflected glory all around us.


Action: Now step into your day with a spring in your step, filled with the love of God poured into your heart.

Journal your thoughts…

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