32. Love is…

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Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.com

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

1 Corinthians 13:4-5

We continue to look at the thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians, a chapter found at wedding ceremonies (even non-religious ones) and on wall posters. In poetry books, quoted as ancient words of wisdom, in song. Many see these words that describe love as lovely, desirable, but, somehow, utopian and not realistic. Let’s look at what Paul is really saying love looks like from a behavioural perspective…

These are tough words and not to be taken lightly. Love is not a part time occupation, active only in the good times.

Love is patient – all the time. I am not a patient person and get frustrated very easily with people who don’t seem to get it, who take longer to grasp what’s going on or to learn something new. I must constantly remind myself that love is patient.

Love is kind – great when the person we are being kind to is receptive and lovable. But what about the relative who you know will always respond harshly to our kindnesses?

Love doesn’t envy – I must admit to having been envious of friends who seem to have the perfect family. They never seem to have the problems I have with my kids, my parents, my siblings. Of course, I know this isn’t true and all families struggle in different ways but still I envy them. Envy is about wanting what others have and we are all guilty of it.

Paul’s list goes on – love is not proud, love honours, love isn’t self-seeking, not easily angered, love forgives. But, honestly, is there anyone who can truly say they love like this? Even the most beautiful people have times when love goes pear-shaped for them. Only Jesus has ever been able to love as Paul describes – perfect love.

So? Do we give up? NO!

Let’s aspire together towards this love that Paul describes. Let’s spur one another on towards love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24). Let’s go after this love that seeks only the best for others regardless of the cost. Let’s endure in love despite what gets in the way. Let’s love with love that doesn’t count the cost.

Prayer: I admit to my inability, and even my refusal, to love with patience, kindness, humility, forgiveness. My love is so often conditional on what is in it for me. Forgive me Lord, and from this new day onward, may the love that you have placed in my heart be evident in the way I live my love each moment. Such love is not just for the big things but for the minutiae of my everyday life.


Action: Today, check each interaction, each response you make to others – does it measure up? Do you need to seek God’s and their forgiveness? Do you need to make restitution for some selfish, unkind, impatient action? What can you learn for next time?

Journal your thoughts…

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