4. Guardian angels…
Since early times, angels have been used by God to bring messages from God; comfort, protect, contend with evil spirits, and so much more. Today there is a culture that believes that each of us has a guardian angel who keeps us from harm. Books have been written, masterpieces painted, movies produced that perpetuate this belief. I don’t deny that God still uses his heavenly beings, his angels, to minister to us here on earth but I am so glad that God has given me his Holy Spirit as my guardian, my protector, my comforter, my fortress in times of need. The Psalms are full of references to God’s direct role in those tough times in our lives through the Holy Spirit who lives in each of us who have chosen to follow him.
Psalm 121 is one of my favourites and sustained me when I went through my previous cancer battle 20 years ago…
I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let my foot slip – he who watches over me will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over me – the Lord is my shade at my right hand; the sun will not harm me by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep me from all harm – he will watch over my life; the Lord will watch over my coming and going both now and forevermore.
Psalm 121 (personalised to first person)
It was confirmed that I would need to undergo a full laryngectomy, removal of my voice box. The radiotherapy option was off the table because of the inherent risks. I would have to breathe through a hole (stoma) in my neck and learn to talk with a small valve inserted in my windpipe. It is at times like these that I am glad that God, the big Boss, has my back. He cares about me as much as he cares about any other human being on this earth, I am his daughter. He isn’t delegating responsibility for my care to one of his heavenly bodies, his angels.
God was watching over me every moment of every day. He was putting in place all that I needed to come through this and to be able to continue to live the life he ordained for me before I was created.
In the weeks leading up to my surgery I saw this care evidenced in so many ways. My GP doctor praying over me in his surgery; a buddy who has been through the same operation and is a Christian; a surgeon who is not only top notch and operated on my son some years ago but is also a beautiful and gentle man.
God used others to bless me with flowers, cards, amazing words of love and encouragement from across the world. He used platforms like Facebook and Messenger where I had over 75 people committed to praying for me through my journey.
God was watching over me. He was keeping me from harm. I didn’t know what the outcome of the surgery would be. It was a major operation involving the separation of my trachea through which I breathe and my oesophagus through which I eat, switching my breathing from my nose and mouth to a newly formed hole in my neck where the trachea would now exit. For some of this time I would need to be on a respirator to keep me breathing. But my trust remained in God to Project Lead (in business speak!) through the process because I knew he had…
Plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 (personalised to first person)
He was watching over my surgeon and all the other people involved in planning the process and he stood beside me, carried me, protected me through the next few weeks as I waited for a date. And that was enough.
Prayer: Father God, I thank you for watching over me every moment leading up to my surgery for giving me hope, comfort, courage to face the next chapter of my journey.
Action: Maybe what you are going through is lighter or even heavier that the journey I was experiencing but know that you can take it to God, lay it down before him and know he is with you every step of the way. Take time out today to sit in your pit, whatever it be, and cry out to God…
Journal your thoughts…