10. Share it…

man holding brown rope
Photo by Evelyn Chong on Pexels.com

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help… A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple braided cord is not easily broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Several years ago, I led a small group of women in a weekly Bible study. We were looking at dreams and how we can make them happen (yep, this has been a long-term passion of mine!). One lady, in particular, was pretty tired of the life she was living and had always wanted to pursue a career in photography. But life had got in the way – a child, a broken marriage, a move across the world, financial concerns, the list went on.

Together the group committed to supporting her to achieve her dream. She bought a new camera with some inheritance money she had and looked into making a career out of photography. It was a rocky road, and she had to do many other things in order to support her dream, but she persevered. She attended photography camps with top Australian photographers. She spent money getting her photos professionally printed and sometimes struggled to sell them at a price that covered those costs.

When she produced her first small exhibition, I purchased one of her photos. I now own three, all of which are proudly displayed on my walls. As her dream has progressed it has shifted, and she now successfully runs a photography touring business teaching others photography. All of this began with a group of women who decided to support each other to achieve our dreams.

What happens when we share our dreams with others?

  • It makes the dream real, when others know about it somehow it seems more likely to happen.
  • It gives us a group of people (or maybe just one) who can walk the journey with us. Celebrate at each hurdle we successfully jump. Encourage, comfort, exhort when the going gets tough. Provide perspective when we lose ours. Give advice. Help with resourcing the dream, open doors.
  • It provides accountability – someone who checks in with us to see how the plan is going.

It’s important that you think about who you will share your dream with – not everyone will understand. There will be nay-sayers who try to persuade you that it is too difficult, there are too many roadblocks, it’s not what God wants for you, etc.

So, encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

You need encouragers, pro-active people who understand you and get your dreams – maybe a best friend, a small group you are part of, or a mentor. So, there you are. Now go and share your dream…

Prayer: Lord, give me wisdom and discernment in deciding who to share my dream with and the courage to share it.


Action: Get a piece of paper and write down the people you believe may be ones who will support you on your dream making journey. Decide on one or two and then set up times to sit with them and share your dream. If you don’t get it right the first time, then go back to your sheet of paper and choose someone else.

Journal your thoughts:

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