12. Prepare…

All athletes are disciplined in their training.
1 Corinthians 9:25
Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this.
Esther 4:14
The story of Esther is what adventures are made of. A young Jewish woman living in the massive Persian Empire stretching from Egypt to the borders of India. Her uncle enters her into a competition run by the king to add more wives to his harem. She spends 12 months undergoing gruelling beauty treatments (yes, they can be painful…) to prepare herself to be presented to the king as a candidate to replace number one wife (who had fell into disfavour, but that’s another story).
And…drumroll… she won! But that’s not the end of the story, the real adventure starts here. God had a great purpose for Esther. Her preparation was for more than becoming number one queen – it was to save the Jewish people living in the Empire from genocide. Find some time to sit down with a coffee or glass of red and read through what happened next as Esther fulfils her destiny – gripping stuff.
Much later Paul compares our Christian journey with a race to be completed and encourages the Corinthian church members to be disciplined in their training for whatever purpose God has for them. He should know as he disappeared for several years after his conversion to Christianity to prepare for the mission God had for him. Jesus himself spent 40 days in the desert (and 30 years growing up, learning a trade, talking to rabbis) preparing for his ministry.
So, what about us? Have you ever had a moment where you knew you were right where God wanted you to be, achieving your purpose, the dreams he had placed in your heart? Now think back to the period of time before that moment. How had God prepared you for his purpose?
Years ago, I knew that God had a specific ministry for me, and it involved children. At 15 I found myself doing a children’s story in church one Sunday morning. Over time God gave me multiple opportunities to work with children in the church – girls’ club, Sunday School, youth group. Then he led me into the area of missions through being part of the faith promise program and missions committee. Later still I gained experience working with volunteers and completed my teaching diploma. This all led to 12 years of ministry with children at Scripture Union where I continue to learn and grow into my purpose. Four years as Children’s Pastor and Church Administrator at my local church provided a new training ground until I reached the point where my passions for helping children and education came together working for a children’s education charity as a leader and manager. Each step of the way God prepared me for the next step and continues to do so as I walk into his purpose.
Torvill and Dean spent years training before they scored a perfect ten in ice skating at the 1984 Olympics. Charles 3rd spent over 70 years preparing to take over when his mother, Elizabeth 2nd, died. Hudson Taylor was called to missions in China at age 17 and spent the next 4 years preparing by studying medicine before heading to China for the first time. Returning to England in 1860 he completed further studies and established a new society, the China Inland Mission. Then finally returned to China in 1866 where he remained, on and off, for the remainder of his years. I could go on, but you get the picture. To achieve our purpose in God we need to spend time preparing…
God’s hand of preparation has always been on me as it was on Esther and Paul. What about you? How has God prepared you for what you are doing right now? How is he preparing you for the next big purpose, your next dream?
Prayer: Lord, so often these days I just wander from day to day and lose sight of the plans you have for my life. Forgive me and, by your Spirit, show me what you have prepared for me and guide me through the preparations so that I can be the person you made me to be and accomplish the work you have for me.
Action: Set aside an hour or two to plot out your life’s journey thus far and identify the times you were in God’s purposes, the dreams he had created in you. Then look at how he had prepared you for those times. Then ask God what he wants from you to prepare for the next purpose, the next dream.
Journal your thoughts: